Blizzcon 2009: Cataclysm Overview Panel

  • General Infos:
    -Deathwing caused Cataclysm
    -Worgen: start at lvl 6
    -Golbin: starting area will be Lost Isles
    Racial will be a rocket belt: area dmg or a front disengage aka. an engage ^^
    -new ingame cinematics telling the story
    -level cap raised to level 85: level 1 to 60 completly revamped, want to bring more ingame content than ever before
    -7 new zones (5 adventure zones, 2 starting zones):
    Deepholm, Uldum, Lost Isles, Mount Hyjal, Gilneas, Twilight Highlands, The Sunken City of Vashj'ir (underwater zone)

    Guild Advancement System:
    -guild leveling through 20 levels
    -unique guild talent trees
    e.g. mass resurrection, cheaper guild repair

    Path of the Titans:
    another way of character customizing:
    class indepent: the player chooses the way of onetitan

    Mastery System:
    spending more points in one talent tree offers you special features (e.g. more poison dmg)

    New Level Flow:
    -the way you will level up will be changed
    -level restrictions of selected zones will be changed
    example: Thousand Needles 40-45

    Zone Changes: (examples)

    Hillsbrad Foothills:
    Southshore finally losed Southshore to the Horde
    split into two zones and begins to regrowth
    Wailing Caverns growths
    no more desert
    destroyed, a new camp will be builded
    Horde gets a new camp in the south
    new goblin zone, in which "they decided to move the mountain"
    Adventure zone level flow 78-85
    2 starting zones: 75-82: Sunken City of Vashj'ir or Mount Hyjal
    82-84: Deepholm (comparable zone to dragonblight in northrend)
    83-85: Twilight Highlands and Uldum

    New Zones:
    Sunken City of Vashj'ir
    -located on sea floor
    -home of Vashj
    -underwater gameplay and underwater mounts (flying speed)
    -located inside the elemental plane on earth
    -82-84 level zone
    -large, subterranean environment
    -Deathwing's Domain
    -Temple of Earth
    -desert zone with a huge river
    -titan temples
    -titan machine was destroyed through the cataclysm and revealed the visibility to everyone
    -rumored to hold a super weapon
    -titan creation: Tol'vir
    Mount Hyjal:
    -Ragnaros banished back to the place of fire and "he's pissed"
    -Malfurion Stormrage is back too
    -World tree regrowthing
    -Darkwhisper Gorge
    Twilight Highlands:
    -headquarter of Twilight Hammer
    -two new pot towns
    -Grim Batol sheared in 2 parts
    -new flight: Twilight Dragonflight

    Dungeons and Raids:
    -The Firelands (with Ragnaros)
    -Uldum (2 level up dungeons)
    -Blackrock Caverns (in BRS level up dungeon)
    -Grim Batol
    -Heroic Deadmines and Heroic Shadowfang Keep (lvl 85 dungeons)

    -Tol Barad PvP Zone:
    all kinds of daily quests in this zone
    like Wintergrasp battle for the zone in period times:
    holding Tol Barad gives you extra profitable daily quests and access to the prison dungeon
    -Gilneas Battleground
    -new Arena maps (not decided how much)
    -rated battlegrounds (to give you access to arena comparable pvp equip)

  • gutes und schlechtes dabei ...


    Southshore finally losed Southshore to the Horde


    bin gespannt!


    It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it.

    Scary POV footage of an ice climbing fall