Frostmage PvP Changes

  • Frost

    • Ice Barrier mana cost has been reduced from 25% of base mana to 21% of base mana.
    • Cone of Cold mana cost has been reduced from 29% of base mana to 25% of base mana.
    • Frost Ward mana cost has been reduced from 16% of base mana to 14% of base mana.
    • Frostbolt mana cost has been reduced from 13% of base mana to 11% of base mana.
    • Ice Armor mana cost has been reduced from 28% of base mana to 24% of base mana.
    • Ice Lance mana cost has been reduced from 7% of base mana to 6% of base mana.
    • Frost Nova mana cost has been reduced from 8% of base mana to 7% of base mana.
    • Empowered Frostbolt now reduces the cast time of your Frostbolt by 0.1/0.2sec instead of increasing its critical strike chance by 2/4%.
    • Permafrost now also reduces the target's healing received by 7/13/20%. :fuck:

    Saugeile Changes, insbesondere Empowered Frostbolt und Permafrost Changes.

    Vielleicht schafft man es damit ja doch mal n Resto Druiden im Last Stand Duell in der Arena zu besiegen.

    Was meint ihr dazu?

  • ka bei nem mage is zu 90% eh nen rogue mit wound poison dabei xD Aber für Priest Mage sicher interessant.
    Empowered Frostbolt is halt total OP. HRN MAGES

    But hey, once, I came after just a few seconds
    it was awesome
    she was all like "Wat" and I was all like "Yeah"

  • viele buffs.
    und ne druide schaffste nicht.
    und lol ein dk beschwert sich über mages, hau ab igai.
