props an euch

  • Zitat

    Original von Neor
    ?( was sind props ?(

    lol und ich hab mich ned fragen getraut weil ich dachte das das so ein Insiderwort ist und man das wissen sollte!

    But hey, once, I came after just a few seconds
    it was awesome
    she was all like "Wat" and I was all like "Yeah"

  • Shit man...ihr wisst nicht, was Props sind? :rolleyes:

    Read this!

    "Dem Untergebenen geziemt es nicht, seinen eigenen beschränkten Maßstab an die wohldurchdachten Anordnungen seines Vorgesetzten zu legen und sich in dünkelhaftem Übermut ein Urteil über dieselben anzumaßen."

  • ok was probs sind weiß ich jetzt, aber was zum teufel ist:


    Props kan syfta på

    * (från engelskans plural av prop 'stöd', 'stötta'), typ av klent, barkat rundvirke, vanligen av furu eller gran, avsett som stöttor i gruvor.

    * Projektmodellen PROPS framtagen av Ericsson. Beskriver ett projekt ur fyra perspektiv: det mänskliga perspektivet, det affärsmässiga perspektivet, det projektorganisatoriska perspektivet och projektflödesperspektivet.

  • props

    Abrieviation of "proper respect"; Slang term used for giving [ or getting] respect [or recognition]

    Props is short for "propers" as in, "proper respect".
    Popularized in the 1980s by rappers who shortened the term "propers" which was in turn being used as an abbreviated version of "proper respect" at least by the 1960s. The increase in this term's usage during the late 1980s and early 1990s coincided with an increasing fascination with the mafia within rap circles. Both communities have traditionally placed great emphasis on the importance of earning and giving respect.


    I've heard that your guild cleared Naxxramas german-horde frist, props to that!

    I really love the atmosphere of your Naxx vids, props to you!

    Though AlvinX had nothing to do with your Naxxramas videos, I think he should be getting his props for the amazing songs he created.
