ZitatAlles anzeigen“Honestly, it’s the worst Final Fantasy game ever! Everything about the game is ‘lightweight.’”
“This is no game, it’s a CG movie player with an RPG minigame! The story and maps are unbelievably linear, there’s a little divergence in how you level the characters. I just don’t want to recognise this as an RPG. It doesn’t even feel like you’re playing a game, just that you’re being shown one CG movie after another.”
“The characters aren’t very appealing, and the cutesy antics of the female characters got on my nerves. For fans of Final Fantasy, this is really something that is no longer Final Fantasy any longer.”
“The production values are high, but like FF12 there are pluses and minuses. At the very least I don’t think this game can be recommended to everyone.”
“Final Fantasy fans will be looking forward to a good story, but personally I found nothing interesting about the story at all, though this must vary from person to person.”
“The game just repeats movies and dungeons over and over, there’s no variation at all. There are quests in the second half, but getting that far takes far too long. If you don’t enjoy the story getting that far is troubling.
Honestly, this was a big disappointment. I can’t recommend it to people who like RPGs.”
Klingt ja nach nem TOP GAME!