
  • better be kidding, fand die letzte episode einer der besten der aktuellen staffel, und nicht weil die staffel kacke ist (gerade das gegenteil)

    'He walked out into the night with his flashlight. He was still giggling.
    He was making the flashlight beam dance all over the dead people
    stacked outside. He put his hand on my head, and do you know what
    that marvelous man said to me?' asked Castle.
    ' "Son," my father said to me, "someday all this will be yours." '
    Kurt Vonnegut.

  • himym hat iwie den reiz verloren ... evtl demnächst mal ansehen

    genau das selbe hab ich mir halt bei brba gedacht :|

    'He walked out into the night with his flashlight. He was still giggling.
    He was making the flashlight beam dance all over the dead people
    stacked outside. He put his hand on my head, and do you know what
    that marvelous man said to me?' asked Castle.
    ' "Son," my father said to me, "someday all this will be yours." '
    Kurt Vonnegut.

  • Zitat

    Update: Gegenüber Deadline Hollywood hat Showtime-Chef David Nevins erläutert, dass das kreative Team von „Dexter“ einen Plan für drei Staffeln (die aktuelle sechste bereits eingeschlossen) habe. Er wolle es nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, aber wahrscheinlich werde „Dexter“ mit der achten Staffel zu Ende gehen.



    Was ist nur aus den guten, alten 21 Staffeln+ Serien geworden?
    Zugegeben, Dramen sind wahrscheinlich aufwändiger zu produzieren (und vor allem zu schreiben), als es zum Beispiel comedies sind.

    'He walked out into the night with his flashlight. He was still giggling.
    He was making the flashlight beam dance all over the dead people
    stacked outside. He put his hand on my head, and do you know what
    that marvelous man said to me?' asked Castle.
    ' "Son," my father said to me, "someday all this will be yours." '
    Kurt Vonnegut.

  • Chuck 0504 => MEGA! imho die beste Folge seit langem ^^^^
    Zarbor gut möglich

    'He walked out into the night with his flashlight. He was still giggling.
    He was making the flashlight beam dance all over the dead people
    stacked outside. He put his hand on my head, and do you know what
    that marvelous man said to me?' asked Castle.
    ' "Son," my father said to me, "someday all this will be yours." '
    Kurt Vonnegut.

  • dexter s06e09 - 10/10

  • Dexter