SW_Stats 2.1 BETA

  • best stats-addon ever

    Download: http://www.sw-stats.com/beta/SW_Stats.zip

    -20 channels
    -'scrapped damage' (no more SW: Death + FalseDmg)
    -SW_Unitlog extra combat log


    [b3 to b4]
    Added: %t as name for any analysis that needs a target. This results in the info shown using your current target as unit to display data for. E.g. using SkillDetails and %t as name will always show the skills of your current target. If nothing is selected your own data is shown.
    Added: %p just like the above but this will always insert the player (this only really makes sense in conjunction with the profile system)

    Added: Keybindings for "copy" and "paste" for option buttons. E.g. you set up the data/visuals for one button and then paste it to another.

    Added: SW Stats now handels it's window positioning (mostly) alone. The profiles addon has been changed as well - In general now saving a profile also saves window position. For this to work a window has to be moved or resized at least once.

    Added: The UniLog now retains its visual state (If it was hidden it stays hidden on relog)


    IMPORTANT: Exit the game when installing 2.1.0 - don't just reloadui. Old versions will NOT be able to sync with 2.1.0

    Added: A new plugin for SW Stats "SW_UniLog" - if you don't like it just disable it but you should take a look first Wink For the rather extensive filtering possibilities check the comments in SW_UniLog_Filters.lua
    You can show/hide it via /swl and /swl fs 10 eg will change the font size to 10

    Added: The concept of NarrowData, if you turn this off (/sws nd) SW Stats will again collect all data. If it is on though only a subset is collected that is targeted twords your raid/group or is from your raid/group. If your soloing outside SW Stats will store a LOT less "junk" data from people around you if this is turned on. The default mode is auto and switches in instances to "WideData" and outside to "NarrowData"

    Changed: All damage done inner raid/group is now 'scrapped'. People will not get 'credit' in the damage and DPS lists for damaging their group mates. To check inner group damage a new analysis has been added. Note: If you duel and are grouped all your damage shows up here.

    Changed: The raid DPS timer behaves differently now when people zone - this should alleviate the DPS problem somewhat. I am exploring other possibilities to make it more accurate.

    Fix: When zoning the personal DPS timer should now stop. (WoW has a missing message here.)

    Fix: Some client languages had problems with captures in 2.0.4 - Thanks to kouik03 on his research on this

    Changed: There is now a maximum of 20 option buttons.

    Added: /sws ol RIGHT or /sws ol BOTTOM to move the option buttons to the right or bottom of the main window.

    Changed: The layout of the buttons now wraps to the width/height of the window.

    Changed: Moved some version checks to a "global" section. This prevents some unneeded default parser resets when logging on your alts.

    Fixed: a typo in the toc - This can fix not being able to sync in non-English clients. Thanks sylvanaar and Nevcairiel

    Changed: frameLevel and frameStrata in all xml files (this version should work with WoW 2.1 and on the PTR)

  • man kann in den einzelnen channels halt verschiedene sachen anzeigen lassen.
    wie z.B. skill details von paar leuten oder andere dinge, die einen interessieren :P


  • mit channel mein ich die verschiedenen optionen, die du auswählen kannst


    channel1: damage done

    channel2: healing done

    channel3: skill details ( target )

    channel4: max hit


    man kann sich sogut wie alles anzeigen lassen...death counter und ganz heiß: "damage inner group" ---> hallo thaddius bomber