Die neuen Makro Commands!

  • http://forums.worldofwarcraft.…ml?topicId=36975623&sid=1

    Das wichtigste:

    Slash Commands
    The following new slash commands will be available:
    * Targeting: /targetlasttarget, /cleartarget, /clearfocus
    * Items and equipment: /use <itemname>, /use <slot>, /use <bagid> <bagslot>, /equip <itemname>, /equipslot <slot> <itemname>, /userandom <item1>, <item2>, <item3> will attempt to use a randomly selected one of the specified items
    * Pet control: /petattack, /petfollow, /petstay, /petpassive, /petdefensive, /petaggressive, /petautocaston <spell>, /petautocastoff <spell>
    * Casting: /stopcasting will cancel the spell that is currently being cast, /castrandom <spell1>, <spell2>, <spell3> will attempt to cast a randomly selected one of the specified spells
    * Action bar: /changeactionbar <num> and /swapactionbar <num1> <num2>
    * Attacking: /startattack [unit], /stopattack
    * Buffs/Auras: /cancelaura name - cancels an aura as if it were right clicked
    * Buttons: /click ButtonName [mousebutton]
    * /target, /focus, and /startattack take all valid unit ids as well as entity names. Where applicable they default to target if no unit is specified.
    * In WoW 2.0, feeding your pet, poisons, etc. will be even easier to macro: /cast Feed Pet then /use Dry Pork Ribs. You will also be able to click on food in your action bar when you are targeting Feed Pet and other item targeting spells.
    * The first cast in a macro that fails will prevent further casts in the macro as if the 1.5 second global cooldown had been triggered.
    * Item names can be used interchangably with spell names in /cast, /castrandom, and /castsequence

    Conditional Macro Commands
    The /cast, /use, /cancelaura, /changeactionbar, /equip, /target, /focus and /assist commands can be given multiple actions and conditions on which to use those actions. The first matching action will be used. The syntax is as follows:

    /command [option] action; [option1,option2] action

    If multiple options are provided for an action, they must all be met before the action will happen. The options supported are as follows:
    * target=unit - Run the command and perform tests on the specified unit (only applicable to spell casting or item use). You can specify 'none' as a target unit to act as if you have no target.
    * help/harm - Choose depending on whether target is assistable or attackable
    * combat - Choose depending on whether you're in combat or not
    * stance or stance:# - Choose depending on your stance/shapeshift ("stance" alone matches any stance)
    * stealth - Choose depending on whether you are stealthed
    * mounted - Choose depending on whether you are mounted
    * swimming - Choose depending on whether you are swimming
    * flying - Choose depending on whether you are flying
    * indoors - Choose depending on whether you are indoors
    * outdoors - Choose depending on whether you are outdoors
    * modifier or modifier:shift|ctrl|alt - Choose depending on any modifier keys you're holding at the time the macro runs
    * equipped:<invslot>|<itemclass>|<itemsubclass> - Choose if you have the specific item type equipped
    * actionbar:<bar> - Choose if a specific actionbar is shown
    * button:Z - Choose if the specified button is held down
    * pet:<name>|<family> - Choose if your current active pet has the specified name or family (e.g. pet:bear/wolf)
    * channeling or channeling:spell - Choose if you are channeling (possibly a specific spell)
    * exists - Choose if the target exists
    * dead - Choose if the target is dead

    For stance and modifier you can list multiple matching values separated by the / character for the option to be true if ANY of them are true. For example modifier:shift/ctrl matches if shift or control is held down.
    Any option can be prefixed with 'no' to select if it does NOT match. For example [nocombat]

    * There is a new /stopmacro [option,...] command that stops macro execution if the specified conditional options are met. e.g. /stopmacro [stealth].
    * The pet action commands (/petattack etc) also allow for conditional execution as above.

    Zitat von Raw

    RL ist was für Leute die in WoW nichts erreicht haben.

    Zitat von Sput

    Ich bin auf die Treppe gelaufen und einfach umgefallen.