na hoffentlich haben sie es nur bei den ammys verkackt

  • gerade bei buffed gelesen vielleicht schon einigen bekannt aber nochma für alle ... ma schauen wie es bei uns ausschaut wenn der server gleich on kommt


    Wer sich stets viel geschont hat,
    der kränkelt zuletzt an seiner vielen Schonung.
    Gelobt sei, was hart macht!
    Ich lobe das Land nicht, wo Butter und Honig - fließt!

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Battle For Wintergrasp Update
    We’re actively investigating Wintergrasp impacting realm stability and we’re working to resolve these issues. If needed, we may temporarily disable the Battle for Wintergrasp on all realms. If this should happen, players will still be able to venture into the zone, but will not be able to participate in the Battle itself.

  • als howling blast cd haben se nicht runtergenommen -.-"

    Wer sich stets viel geschont hat,
    der kränkelt zuletzt an seiner vielen Schonung.
    Gelobt sei, was hart macht!
    Ich lobe das Land nicht, wo Butter und Honig - fließt!

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Battle For Wintergrasp Update
    We’re actively investigating Wintergrasp impacting realm stability and we’re working to resolve these issues. If needed, we may temporarily disable the Battle for Wintergrasp on all realms. If this should happen, players will still be able to venture into the zone, but will not be able to participate in the Battle itself. (Source)

    [US] Account-Wide Death Knight Creation
    It was anticipated that with the release of the current patch, 3.0.8, players would be able to create a new death knight on any realm within their region. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we are not able to make this available as of yet. We do anticipate making this available in the near future and will do our best to keep everyone informed of when this becomes available.

    Please keep in mind that when implemented restrictions will still apply to new, non-transfer realms such that death knights cannot be created on those realms until you level a character to level 55 on that realm or until transfer restrictions are removed.

    [...] Please be aware that select players are currently able to create death knights on realms other than the one they currently have a level 55+ character on while others are still unable to do so at this time. We are currently working to address this issue and anticipate this to be corrected as of tonight’s rolling restarts. We will post additional updates after the completion of the restarts. (Source)

    Human Female Animation

    * There are some human female animation errors, specifically when using two-handed weapons or shooting with a ranged weapon. (Source)

    Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

    * Howling Blast has a 5 sec cooldown. There is a tooltip error where it appears that the spell has no cooldown, but the game will still enforce one. We hope to hotix the UI soon. (Source)
    * There is a known bug on Obliterate rank 5 and possibly Empower Rune Weapon, depending on when that change was made. We should be able to hotfix those soon. (Source)

    Warlock (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

    * We had to make a change to the new warlock summoning mechanic at the last second to prevent an exploit. Our apologies to all the law-abiding warlocks who have to suffer with a painful cooldown on your summon in order to fix this problem. We plan on getting the Ritual working correctly as soon as possible. You won't have to put up with a 2 minute cooldown for more than a few days. Standard caveats apply that this could change for any number of reasons, but we wanted to keep you informed of our plans at this time. (Source)
    * The Felhunter and a couple of other demons should have significantly gained health. If you Felhunter was at 8K yesterday he should be closer to 16K today. The exact number will depend on your gear and talents. We plan on hotfixing the warlock pet health. I don't want to throw around any more numbers because it's going to depend a lot on lock gear and talents. Unfortunately sometimes things work differently between our servers and live. It's a bug and we will get it fixed.