Eventuelle BC-Priest Talente?

  • http://forums.worldofwarcraft.…ml?topicId=15493095&sid=1

    Bin hier auf Talente gestoßen die mir sehr plausibel erscheinen... und muss leider sagen, dass ich besonders vom Holy-Tree äußerst enttäuscht bin... positiv zu vermerken ist, dass der wunderbare Brunnen nun anscheinend endlos viele Charges hat... weiterhin fraglich ob wirklich gut einsetzbar... in Naxx fallen mir jedenfalls nicht allzu viele Encounter ein.

    Die neuen Talente, die zusätzliche Grp-Heals bringen werden wohl hauptsächlich overheal sein und das 41er Talent erinnert an ne Pala-Aura, die keiner braucht.

    Im Disziplin-Tree ist Quiet Contemplation ziemlich gut für pve, sonst aber nicht allzu viel gutes für Pve... nur für das Solospiel und PvP scheinen einige nette Sachen dabei zusein.

    Schatten finde ich ganz interessant, dass man offenbar unsichtbar wird, wenn man MC anwendet... bestimmt n ganz witziges feature.

    Tier 5
    Quiet Contemplation
    Requires 1 point in Divine Spirit
    Requires 20 points in Discipline Talents
    Regenerate mana equal to 5/10/15% of your Spirit every 5 seconds, even while casting.

    Tier 6
    Iron Will
    Requires 25 points in Discipline Talents
    Increases your chance to resist Charm and Polymorph effects by 5/10/15%.

    Tier 7
    Moral Authority
    Requires 5 points in Force of Will
    Requires 30 points in Discipline Talents
    Your critical strikes from spells cause the target to become Humbled, reducing all stats by 2/4/6/8/10% and dazing the target for 6 seconds.

    Tier 8
    Requires 35 points in Discipline Talents
    Increases your maximum health by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the chance you are hit by spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.

    Tier 9
    Requires 1 point in Power Infusion
    Requires 40 points in Discipline Talents
    10% of base mana 30 yd range
    1.5 sec cast 2 min cooldown
    Telepathically induce a state of pacifism, making the target unable to attack or use any offensive spells or abilities for 10 seconds.

    Tier 6
    Improved Inspiration
    Requires 3 points in Inspiration
    Requires 25 points in Holy Talents
    The Inspiration effect also increases your target’s resistances to all schools by 10/20.

    Tier 7
    Empowered Light
    Requires 30 points in Holy Talents
    Your Flash Heal and Smite spells gain an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.

    Requires 1 point in Spirit of Redemption
    Requires 30 points in Holy Talents
    365 mana
    1.5 sec cast 5 min cooldown
    Creates a holy Lightwell near the priest that lasts for 2 min. Friendly targets can click the Lightwell to restore 1600 health over 10 sec. Being attacked cancels the effect.

    Tier 8
    Requires 1 point in Lightwell
    Requires 35 points in Holy Talents
    Gives your Flash Heal and Greater Heal spells a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to cast an identical spell on each party member at no additional cost while your Lightwell is active.

    Tier 9
    Aura of the Chosen
    Requires 5 points in Rapture
    Requires 40 points in Holy Talents
    Light radiates from you, healing the friendly target and all party members within 30 yards for 1% of their total health every 2 seconds.

    Tier 2
    Shadow Affinity
    Requires 5 points in Shadow Talents
    All shadow spells cast against you restore 1/2/3% of your total mana. In addition, your shadow spells generate 8/16/25% less threat.

    Tier 6
    Improved Mind Control
    Requires 25 points in Shadow Talents
    Reduces the cast time of your Mind Control spell by 0.5/1 sec.

    Tier 7
    Dark Power
    Requires 30 points in Shadow Talents
    Your Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, and Mind Rot spells gain an additional 3/6/9/12/15% of your bonus spell damage effects.

    Tier 8
    Requires 2 points in Improved Mind Control
    Requires 35 points in Shadow Talents
    Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to become invisible while you are channeling your Mind Control and Mind Vision spells.

    Withering Touch
    Requires 1 point in Shadow Form
    Requires 35 points in Shadow Talents
    All melee and ranged attacks against you while you are in Shadowform cause the attacker to suffer shadow damage equal to 4/7/10% of the damage taken.

    Tier 9
    Requires 3 points in Withering Touch
    Requires 40 points in Shadow Talents
    660 mana 30 yd range
    Instant cast 3 min cooldown
    Calls forth stifling darkness which drains 630 mana and causes 545 shadow damage to all enemies within a selected area over 8 seconds. You gain mana equal to 10% of the damage caused.

    Trainable Ranks listed below:
    Rank 2: 875 mana, drains 835 mana and causes 722 shadow damage.
    Rank 3: 1130 mana, drains 1079 mana and causes 933 shadow damage.

  • Zitat

    Original von Cella
    Need das ganze auf Deutsch. :(

    was bekomm ich wenn ich mir die arbeit mache und das ohne babelfish übersetze? :(

    <CyRuS2k3> irgendwer hat sich mit meiner emailadresse grad auf ner pornoseite angemeldet whottehfock
    <Enr-Sacrum> :>
    <Enr-Sacrum> gobble!
    <CyRuS2k3> omg
    <CyRuS2k3> sacrum!