Beiträge von maronics

    klar können die das, warden scannt auch den ram aus, wieso sollte es dann nicht feststellen ob was en den mpqs gemacht wurde

    aber im normalfall kannst du da was bedenkenlosmachen, das is irgendwie wie accsharing, blizz macht einfach nichts dagegen solang du keinen unfug machst

    Q: With the changes to encounters in TBC and the development of KTM threat meter, Safe DPS is not as important as it was 2 years ago. Also, many raids are dropping down to 1 or less hunters with only MD in mind. Tack that onto the most difficult method of DPS in the game, the buffs given in 2.1 seem to be nice but they will not be enough to bring hunters back into raids so my question is...What are you going to do to save t

    Kalgan: We'll keep ratcheting up hunter raid dps as needed. I do still think there's value in "safe" dps regardless of threat meters. It doesn't change the fact that hunters have the potential to be less threat limited than other classes.


    Q: What do the Developers see as the future of the Shaman class pertaining to a raid environment? While Shamans CAN spec for raid DPS at the moment it is not very logical for a raid leader to bring one considering they don't tend to out preform a "pure" DPS class, is there a chance this may change, or do the Developers see us as just another healer? In correlation, is there any talk of an "aggro" dump ability for Shamans?

    Kalgan: I think shaman raid dps is a bit underrated personally. However, I would like to stick to the philosophy that we should get their dps to be "close" to pure class dps and make up for the rest in group utility. As a side note, we don't really plan to give every class "an aggro dump", ... even if you could call the ankh a once per hour aggro dump hoho.


    € weil vergessen:
    Q: Some Points were brought up about tuning shamans in upcoming patches, but very little specifics were there anything that can be elaborated on at all?

    Kalgan: We do plan to do some more refinement of the shaman class in an upcoming patch. That being said, we're starting to settle in on a pretty good spot for elemental and resto specs. By and large it's the enhancement spec that we'd like to see become more than "just" a leveling spec (same can be said for the paladin retribution spec).

    1. sieht mir nach nem fake aus
    2. das steht nich auf buffed sonder das hat nur wer im forum da gepostet
    3. steht da auch nich das das nächstes jahr kommt
    4. warum sollte man da nicht raiden? oO