Beiträge von Kido


    //und was zum henker: nightelf mage? hab ich da was verpasst oder wieso sollts das nicht geben? oO die kaldorei waren schon immer süchtig nach magie, scheisse sie haben sogar versucht (trotz der mahnung des im traum gefangenen malfurion) einen neuen world tree zu bauen, die idioten.

    Denke da verwechselst du die Kaldorei mit den Queldorei, also Hoch/Blutelfen. Letzere sind Magiesüchte, die Kaldorei hingegen haben Magie in den letzten paar Tausend Jahren verabscheut wie sonst nix, weil diese eben vor 10000 Jahren die Brennende Legion nach Azeroth gelockt hat. Im Moment sind Magier bei Nachtelfen absolut undenkbar. Aber es scheint so als würden die Highborne zurückkommen, welche quasi die Magier damals waren bei den Elfen.
    Bei dem PTR von 3.2.2 kommt wohl ein Erzmagier von denen nach Darnassus. Wie man dem Dialog entnehmen kann sind die Elfen nicht gerade begeistert davon.…009/august/highbornes.jpg

    Dwarf Mages und Schamanen sind eigentlich nicht so verkehrt. Magier gibt es bei den Zwergen ohnehin schon, da hat es mich eher gewundert dass es sie nicht von anfang an gab.
    Schamanen gibt es bei den Wildhammerzwergen mehr als genug.
    Gegen undead hunter spricht eigentlich auch nichts. Waren früher schließlich auch Menschen. Nimmt man sich so ein halb verwesten Wolf aus den Pestländern und schon passts. :D

    Nur bei den Tauren fehlt mir noch der zusammenhang. Hat glaube ich irgendwas mit der Sonne zu tun.

    Post Apokalypse. Die Welt ist mal wieder ziemlich kaputt nachdem Leute mit Nukes um sich geschmissen haben. Diesmal gibts das ganze nicht als Singleplayer wie bei Fallout3, sondern schön als MMO mit ziemlich interessanten Fraktionen und einer recht gelungenen Story.

    Die Open Beta beginnt am 17.ten August. Das Spiel kann man sich seit heute downloaden und vorab schonmal installieren.

    World of Warcraft - Cataclysm

    World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the next expansion for World of Warcraft. Dark and forgotten threats that have long stayed out of sight have finally arrived on our shores, unleashing a cataclysmic event upon Azeroth and now preparing more nefarius plans to take it back.

    New Classes
    The expansion doesn't have any new class. Instead, Blizzard will offer more race and classes combinations to players, some of them have been datamined on the 3.2.2 Test Realms.

    * Human Hunter
    * Orc Mage
    * Night Elf Mage
    * Dwarf Mage
    * Blood Elf Warrior
    * Dwarf Shaman
    * Undead Hunter
    * Tauren Paladin
    * Tauren Priest
    * Gnome Priest
    * Troll Druid

    Level Cap
    The level cap in the next expansion will be slightly lower than expected this time around; 85.

    This suggests Blizzard wants more room for expansions before hitting the level 100 cap. With less leveling to do (along with the revamped leveling listed below likely to increase the speed and ease of leveling), leveling a new race remains appealing for new and existing players alike.

    New Races
    The events of the cataclysm has caused two new races to seek new allies. The Goblins for the Horde and the Worgen for the Alliance.

    The Goblins have found themselves washed upon an island off the coast of The Barrens, their islands devastated by the cataclysm. As they strive to recover, they come across an Orc captured on an Alliance ship and rescue him. The Orc turns out to be none other than Thrall himself, and in return offers the Goblins a place within the Horde. These events are carried out in a quest line, allowing players to experience first-hand the reasons behind the Goblins' shift from neutrality.

    It is unclear if the old Goblin locations such as Kezan and Undermine will be included in Cataclysm with the revelation of the Goblins' displacement.

    The cataclysm has cracked open the Greymane Wall, finally revealing what has happened to the kingdom of Gilneas and its citizens. The Worgen have ventured forth from Gilneas and sought help from the Alliance, deciding to join them to combat the new threats of Cataclysm.

    Gilneas will make extensive use of the phasing system (much like the Death Knight starting area), to show what happened while the kingdom was cut off from the rest of the world and lead up to present day.

    Last but not least, Worgens will have two forms and will be able to morph between a human form and a worgen one. Players should be able to pick both appearances when they create their character.

    New Content
    Cataclysm will be the first expansion not to introduce a new continent, instead making use of previously unreleased zones and revamping existing ones.

    Classic Azeroth Revamp
    A cataclysmic event caused by Deathwing and Azshara will change the face of Azeroth as we know it. Most of the new content for Cataclysm will take the form of a revamped Azeroth, taking advantage of newer additions to WoW such as phasing and daily quests. Most of the quests and mobs in the classic zones will also be redesigned to make leveling less painful. Some zones will change drastically to fit this, e.g.,

    * The Barrens will be split into two separate zones of two different level bands.
    * Azshara will become a low level (~10-20) zone.

    Flying in Azeroth
    Part of the redesign of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor is the introduction of flying to the two continents, allowing access to many new areas and quicker travelling across the large continents.

    Unreleased Zones & Dungeons
    With the addition of flying mounts to Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms and the redesign of many zones, most of the previously unreachable or incomplete zones will now be made available to players. This is where most of the new content from 80 to 85 will take place. Some of these are,

    * Hyjal (present)
    * Gilneas - The Worgen starting Zone.
    * Uldum (Most likely as a dungeon)

    Classic Dungeon Revamp
    Redesigning Onyxia's Lair in Patch 3.2.2 was just the first step. As most of the leveling will take place in revamped areas of Azeroth, so too will the dungeons, allowing players to use them to level from 80 to 85.

    As far as I know, Ragnaros will also be back in this expansion.

    Deathwing the Destroyer / Neltharion the Earth-Warder will play a major role in Cataclysm. Having been driven mad by Old God whisperings and turning against his own kind only to be fail in his attempts, Deathwing has sunk into the shadows. While the Horde and the Alliance were busy fighting back the Burning Legion only to then be beset with the Scourge, he has been lurking and moving things into place. After Lady Sinestra's failed attempts to create a Twilight Dragonflight, he again retreated to Grim Batol and succeeded where she failed. With his results seen in the Obsidian Sanctum, he has finally created the supreme Dragonflight he sought and plans to unleash it upon the world. But what of the Old Gods' sway over him?

    Queen Azshara will also play a major part in Cataclysm. Unknown to many mortal races, long forgotten by others, and believe to be dead by her own kind, she has not been dormant in depths of the Maelstrom. Having those around her transformed by the Old Gods into Naga after her failure in the War of the Ancients, she has become far more powerful and a greater threat than she once was. Not content with just Nazjatar and the depths of the sea, Azshara seeks to reclaim power and reign once again. With the true plan behind Lady Vashj's support of Illidan remaining a mystery we do not know what hand Azshara has yet played. The big question remains, is she now serving her "saviors", the Old Gods?

    The Cataclysm
    I'm still not sure who is the true end boss of Cataclysm is, but the cataclysm appears to have been caused by attempts to incantation to summon extremely powerful beings using an ancient incantation by Deathwing and Azshara. They're both very powerful, but the cataclysm itself suggests something more powerful is behind it, perhaps their shared past of Old God influence?

    ich wusst garnicht das man als tank stehen bleibt? hab ich noch nie getan :D

    Es ist zwar "nur" ein Trailer oder so, aber ich bezweifel dass man sich bei so einem fetten Festungsboss viel bewegen muss. :3

    Und die 500% Parieren oder Blocken und sowas sind bestimmt zu hoch. Das wäre zu krass.


    is halt irgendwie gut für pve als tank laufst immer rückwärts, als dd immer vorwärts.

    Denke mal um im PvE was zu reißen braucht man diese Bewegungs-Boni nicht. Da wird man den Boss schön an einer Stelle haben wollen, allein schon um die Übersicht zu wahren.

    Patch 0.1.30 ist seit einigen Tagen da. Potm wurde aus dota übernommen (Valkyrie heißt sie nun) und einige Helden wurden ordentlich balanced. (Kein overpowerder Madman mehr)

    Außerdem gibt es nun eine 3v3 Map mit 2 Lines und ein ELO Rating System. Jeder startet auf einem 1500er Rating und je nach sieg oder niederlage verändert sich das Rating. Kennt man ja aus der WoW Arena und aus dem Schach. Praktisch hierbei ist, dass der Host das Spiel auto-balancen kann und damit Spieler gerecht auf die Teams aufgeteilt werden damit ein möglichst faires Spiel entsteht.

    Das Spiel wird imho immer besser. :D

    Die ganzen Patchnotes:

    Das Teil is halt echt spitze wenn man irgendwo doof herumidlet. Da packste halt so den Kram rein den du so beim leveln/farmen findest und mit glück biste ein bisschen reicher wenn du zurückkommst. :D