Beiträge von Eowyndra

    imho is wow mehr eine virtuelle welt als ein spiel^^

    zu dem zitat da oben: bloß weil man mehr zeit in ein spiel steckt als in sein rl, bleibt es trotzdem ein spiel...also wo ist da die argumentation?^^

    ich vermut mal zum weihnachtsgeschäft 2007 oder 1. Quartal 2008, da sie erstmal nur "changes for the upcoming months" nach und nach bekanntgeben wollen.
    ausserdem: so fertig wie das spiel auf den videos schon aussieht, kann da doch nichtmehr viel fehlen

    die gameplay movies reissen mich vom hocker...

    so schön designedte einheiten und anscheinend perfektes stein,schere,papier system

    sieht einfach nur atemberaubend aus... die starcraft atmosphäre ist voll wieder da

    hab genau das selbe problem auch ab und zu. wenn man die maus über irgendeinen frame, egal welchen, bewegt öffnet sich das whisperfenster.

    hab aber noch keine lösung dafür^^ einfach /console reloadui und hoffen, dass es erst wieder in ein paar tagen kommt

    mit channel mein ich die verschiedenen optionen, die du auswählen kannst


    channel1: damage done

    channel2: healing done

    channel3: skill details ( target )

    channel4: max hit


    man kann sich sogut wie alles anzeigen lassen...death counter und ganz heiß: "damage inner group" ---> hallo thaddius bomber

    best stats-addon ever


    -20 channels
    -'scrapped damage' (no more SW: Death + FalseDmg)
    -SW_Unitlog extra combat log


    [b3 to b4]
    Added: %t as name for any analysis that needs a target. This results in the info shown using your current target as unit to display data for. E.g. using SkillDetails and %t as name will always show the skills of your current target. If nothing is selected your own data is shown.
    Added: %p just like the above but this will always insert the player (this only really makes sense in conjunction with the profile system)

    Added: Keybindings for "copy" and "paste" for option buttons. E.g. you set up the data/visuals for one button and then paste it to another.

    Added: SW Stats now handels it's window positioning (mostly) alone. The profiles addon has been changed as well - In general now saving a profile also saves window position. For this to work a window has to be moved or resized at least once.

    Added: The UniLog now retains its visual state (If it was hidden it stays hidden on relog)


    IMPORTANT: Exit the game when installing 2.1.0 - don't just reloadui. Old versions will NOT be able to sync with 2.1.0

    Added: A new plugin for SW Stats "SW_UniLog" - if you don't like it just disable it but you should take a look first Wink For the rather extensive filtering possibilities check the comments in SW_UniLog_Filters.lua
    You can show/hide it via /swl and /swl fs 10 eg will change the font size to 10

    Added: The concept of NarrowData, if you turn this off (/sws nd) SW Stats will again collect all data. If it is on though only a subset is collected that is targeted twords your raid/group or is from your raid/group. If your soloing outside SW Stats will store a LOT less "junk" data from people around you if this is turned on. The default mode is auto and switches in instances to "WideData" and outside to "NarrowData"

    Changed: All damage done inner raid/group is now 'scrapped'. People will not get 'credit' in the damage and DPS lists for damaging their group mates. To check inner group damage a new analysis has been added. Note: If you duel and are grouped all your damage shows up here.

    Changed: The raid DPS timer behaves differently now when people zone - this should alleviate the DPS problem somewhat. I am exploring other possibilities to make it more accurate.

    Fix: When zoning the personal DPS timer should now stop. (WoW has a missing message here.)

    Fix: Some client languages had problems with captures in 2.0.4 - Thanks to kouik03 on his research on this

    Changed: There is now a maximum of 20 option buttons.

    Added: /sws ol RIGHT or /sws ol BOTTOM to move the option buttons to the right or bottom of the main window.

    Changed: The layout of the buttons now wraps to the width/height of the window.

    Changed: Moved some version checks to a "global" section. This prevents some unneeded default parser resets when logging on your alts.

    Fixed: a typo in the toc - This can fix not being able to sync in non-English clients. Thanks sylvanaar and Nevcairiel

    Changed: frameLevel and frameStrata in all xml files (this version should work with WoW 2.1 and on the PTR)

    ich find das is ne interessante art zu tanzen, nur benutzen die "profis" dazu nicht auch die arme und schlagen räder usw?